August Roster

No update since June. This is a disgrace and entirely accounted for by the pasting my gang took at Royal Ascot. Gubbed, if we are to borrow some Commonwealth Games vernacular.

Only Mind of Madness and Telescope troubled the scoresheet. The former in a place capacity only, after a tame earlier effort in the Windsor Castle; the latter, in tremendous style, in the Hardwicke. I had a decent bet so some ground was reclaimed. Without him I’d have been close to 40 points down. As it was I ran away with a 15 point deficit overall, thinking I’d absconded with the Crown Jewels.

The Royal meeting is so tough. The losers included Aljamaheer, Roudee, Es Que Love (twice), Toofi, Cock Of The North and Tiggy Wiggy. Only the last named could really claim a hard luck story.

After this, some new blood was sought. Roudee was scratched. Euro Charline, Nafaqa, American Hope and Ray Ward were added on the basis of decent efforts over the Ascot jamboree. Smidge of aftertiming here as all six have run since my last post. However, at three bets including one short-priced winner and two reversals , plus one unbacked loser and one unbacked winner, the cost is effectively neutral.

July saw some profits restored. Hence the brass neck to post an update now. This is largely on the back of a cheeky win by Es Que Love returning to 7f at Newmarket and a blitzkrieg performance by Tiggy Wiggy in a big Newbury sales race. Bits and pieces from Cock Of The North (likes cut in the ground), Euro Charline and a place return on Es Que Love have also contributed.

Aljamaheer has been disappointing so far. Connections may step him back up in trip now. I’m keeping the faith. As I am with Toofi and G Force. The latter was beaten today for the 3rd time on the bounce, but isn’t running badly. Both, though, are in the last chance saloon. However, Mind of Madness hits the highway after another tame effort, having been flattered imho by his Royal Ascot 2nd.

Date                 Horse                        Bet                             P/L            R/T                                                                                                                                                                                            [b/f 2.5]
16th June       Es Que Love                 2.5 e-w @ 22-1            -5            -2.5
17th June       Mind of Madness           5 win @ 5-1                 -5            -7.5
17th June       Roudee                          2.5 e-w @ 20-1            -5           -12.5
17th June       Cock Of The North         2.5 e-w @ 20-1            -5           -17.5
18th June       Toofi                               2.5 e-w @ 16-1            -5           -22.5 
18th June       Tiggy Wiggy                   5 win @ 7-2                  -5           -27.5
19th June        Mind Of Madness          2.5 e-w @ 16-1          7.5           -20.5
19th June        Bright Approach            5 win @ 5-1                 -5            -25.5
21st June        Aljaamaheer                  5 win @ 9-4                 -5            -32.5
21st June        Es Que Love                 2.5 e-w @ 20-1            -5            -37.5
21st June        Telescope                     10 win @ 9-4               22.5          -15.5        
21st June        Made With Love            No bet (won at short odds)
4th July           G Force                         5 win @ 5-2                  -5           -20.5             
12th July         Aljaamaheer                  2.5 e-w @ 12-1             -5           -25.5
12th July         Cock Of The North         2.5 e-w @ 14-1 (R4)    5.5         -20.0
18th July         Nafaqa                           No bet (won at short odds)
19th July         Es Que Love                  2.5 e-w @ 14-1 (R4)    5.38       -14.62
19th July         Tiggy Wiggy                   5 win @ 5-1                  25           10.38
25th July         Euro Charline                 10 win @ evens            10           20.38
26th July         Telescope                       8 win @ 11-4                 -8           12.38
26th July         Toofi                                4 win @ 5-1                   -4            8.38
26th July         American Hope               3 win @ 8-1                   -3            5.38
29th July         Es Que Love                   4 win @ 8-1                   32           37.38
30th July         Ray Ward                        5 win @ 6-1                   -5           32.38
1st Aug           G Force                           5 win @ 8-1                   -5           27.38
Balance at 1st Aug                                                                                    27.38

(I really must work out how to do tables properly in HTML...)

Additions to the list after Glorious Goodwood: Windshear – a progressive Hannon horse who keeps hitting the bar. May be aimed at the Leger. Room Key – An Eve Johnson-Houghton two-year old who has improved with every run and didn’t get the clearest of passages last time. Madeed – Brian Meehan handicapper who has promise, but needs either hold up tactics or to drop back to a mile.

Full list as of 1st Aug: Aljamaaheer, G Force, Made with Love, Telescope, Graphic,Gospel Choir, Bright Approach, Es Que Love, Cock Of The North, Tiggy Wiggy, Ihtimal, Ballymore Castle, Euro Charline, Nafaqa, American Hope, Ray Ward, Windshear, Room Key, Madeed.

Roll on the Ebor meeting.


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