An ethical bookmaker
saw some interesting research published the other day about how betting
companies are targeting poor areas and are “driving families further into
poverty”. It’s not often that the substance of my day job runs head long into
the escapist thread of this blog. But there we are. No blog is an island.
The issue has taxed me before. This report by NatCen, the Government-funded
centre for independent research and the Responsible Gambling Fund, concludes that slot machine arcades are taking over vacant shopping
centre and leisure outlets in places that have been worst hit by the recession.
We are not talking about gambling on horse racing specifically, but more the
general proliferation of ‘high density machine zones’
and gaming arcades that are thriving
as the economic downturn forces the closure of shops and leisure outlets. But
bookies contribute significantly to this as well: fixed-odds betting terminals
(in effect ‘casino’ machines) and virtual sport betting are on the rising curve
of bookmakers' profits.
research seems to be saying that the gambling industry has been fast off the
mark in plugging the gap in the high street entertainment business,
particularly in depressed areas. In so doing it is said to be exploiting the
inactivity associated with high unemployment in places like the Welsh Valleys,
Barnsley, Halifax and parts of Glasgow. Harriet Harman, the shadow culture
secretary, goes further. Last week she argued that in her own constituency of
Camberwell and Peckham, betting firms were deliberately opening branches in
poor areas, pushing families further into poverty and
creating a link between benefit dependence and gambling. Labour wants new
powers to enable councils and local people to stop betting shops opening.
But maybe
bookies can be part of the solution and not part of the problem… How about an
ethical bookmaker that is run as a social enterprise, re-investing profits in
the local community in which it is based and from where the customers come. Or better still, run by them. It’s not that far-fetched. In my day job, I work with many community
organisations who are refining their entrepreneurial flair to develop
enterprises that can help to regenerate areas and offer tailored services to
local people. An ethical bookmaker can have role in this world. As we have
already seen, they have a deep reach into many of the most deprived areas in
the country. Half an hour in any bookie off the Holloway Road would confirm
that. A social enterprise makeover for the humble bookmaker could provide a
gateway to other advice and support services in deprived areas, perhaps including
help with gambling and other addictive behaviour. Profits would be harvested
from responsible gambling and re-invested in community projects. I once
suggested this approach in a ‘Dragon’s Den'-type competition held in advance of
a conference promoted by my former employer. Sadly the conference was cancelled
and my idea never saw the light of day.
fanciful idea, of course. There would be moralistic arguments, amongst others, to
overcome. Prospective investors in the model – likely to be public sector in
reality – might be squeamish about basing a community policy that relied on encouraging
gambling. On the other hand, we seem to have got over that problem when it
comes to the National Lottery, often perceived as a tax on the poor. And now we
have a new Health Lottery that has been criticized for creaming off too many
profits for its operators.
I’m not
the only one to have a similar idea. Keeping with the NHS angle, my good friend
Crispin, whilst undergoing some pretty serious treatment at Kings College
hospital earlier this year said via Facebook “Thinking as a patient, one of many things the NHS
'needs' is a betting shop in each hospital. Why not an 'NHS Tote', the
'People's Bookie' ?!” “Absolutely right,” I said, “Crispin, you've read my
mind. For years I've been touting the concept of the socially-motivated,
community re-investment bookmaker as a tool to resource urban and rural
regeneration. Can't find a funder to back me though!”. He continued, “but it's
definitely a good idea…..I have now posted this approach/suggestion - i.e. an
NHS Tote - to the Dept Health 'consultation' whilst the Government 'pauses' to
reflect on any changes to their NHS reforms ....”
to say, neither of us have had any success in turning this half-baked idea into
reality. I still think it’s a winner though. Just don’t put your mortgage on